Upcoming Race 2025 events
Events are $45 for members
$55 for non members
Link to Season pass for Members only ( only available through May 10, 2025)
$315 pay for 7 points events get an 8th at no charge (does not include our first event which is our autocross school)
Autocross Events:
click the date to go to motorsportsreg.com to sign up for events
April 5, 2025 Renegade Miata School
August 3, 2025 (Sunday)
Welcome to Renegade Miata Club
We are a community of avid autocrossers who come together to share our passion for racing. Our website is your one-stop-shop for event calendars, event postings, conversations, and group photos.
The goal of our club is to enhance the enjoyment of owning a Miata! And we don’t stop there anymore, as we also welcome all drivers join the club and participate in our autocross and other events.
To become member: http://msreg.com/RMC2025Membership
Upcoming Social events for Renegade Miata Club
All members welcome
May 17, 2025 BBQ and Quarterly meeting
Grasso Residence, Chelmsford
July 6, 2025 BBQ and Quarterly meeting
Neiman residence, Newfields, NH
September 13, 2025 After AutoX BBQ social
Creasey residence, Townsend, MA (15 min. from Devens)
Sept/Oct Seacoast NH Brewery tour
October 3-4-5 Maine Lighthouse Tour, Rockland, ME
Ernie and Karen Grasso
November 9, 2025 Annual Banquet
The Establishment - Chelmsford, MA
Informing everyone that ALL clubs must meet the criteria for sound at Devens.
All cars will have every run recorded.
Cars can only be 8db over ambient instead of 10db at the property edge and only 87db at 75' under full throttle.
If you fail you can not run that car that day.
We are told no second chance so be sure you do what is necessary to quiet your car before coming to the event.

Race Day Info

Moore Army Airfield
Ayer, Massachusetts
Typical race timeline
Gates open
7:00 am
Course walk, drivers meeting
7:00 to 9:00 am
Race starts as close to 9:30 as possible
Be prepared to stay until 5:00 pm
Helmets for autocross should be rated Snell 2010 or newer. The Club has loaner helmets at each autocross if you need one.
Vans, SUVs and motorcycles are not allowed on the autocross course.
The Autocross Committee reserves the right to deny participation to any car that is felt to be too loud for the event. Sound levels are strictly monitored by all clubs.
The Committee’s decision is final and any fees paid will be reimbursed if a car is not allowed to participate.